There are now less than four weeks until we get to go back to Idaho! We are really excited about it. Katie realized that we only go to church three more times before we leave. That is really coming up fast. That also means that finals are just around the corner. I can't believe that they are so close. One of my finals is actually a week from tomorrow. Yikes! Then we get Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. The week after Thanksgiving, I have finals on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and the following Monday. The Friday after the last final we come home. When I list it out like that it makes it seem even closer. I guess I need to make sure I know what I need to.
Last week at school they did a big blood drive. Well, we were informed that if at least 50% of our class donated blood we would get an extra 1% on our final grade in three of our classes! That is a lot! They also told us that we could get other people to donate and count toward our class. Katie likes giving blood, so she said that she would. It's been about ten years since I have donated because I don't really enjoy it. I have never had any problems though, so I decided to do it.
Right after I sat down and they stuck the needle in my arm, one of the other people giving blood passed out. Not really a big deal. I even thought that I was glad I had never done that. I keep squeezing that little ball and everything seems to be going fine. Then the girl to my left says that she feels like she's going to throw up. That's when things start going downhill. I knew that if she threw up, then I would too. My vision started fading, and the next thing I know there are a couple ladies dripping water on my face waking me up! I had completely passed out. I felt like such an idiot. I have never passed out for anything! They told me that sometimes it just happens. I hope they weren't just trying to make me feel better.
I was feeling well enough to watch the girls while Katie donated. Then we started walking to the car and by the time we got there, I felt really sick. That feeling stuck with me for the rest of the day. It was like the worst feeling. All I could do was lie on the couch. This was on Thursday, and on Saturday my arm was still really sore. I looked and there was a big bruise. I just took this picture because it has not even started to go away. In fact I think it's worse today! It looks worse than it does in the picture.

Well, in other news, Adella has been sick this week. She has had a sore throat and runny nose. Also, Kayla is trying to get a tooth. This combination led to a very rough night on Friday. It all started better than normal (that should have tipped us off that something was wrong). Both Adella and Kayla hadn't slept great on Thursday night and were tired from not feeling well. We put them to bed a little early, and they both went right to sleep. Katie and I were up working on some Christmas presents and we kept hearing Adella crying, but she wasn't really awake. Then at about 10:45 Adella woke up and pretty much threw a fit until about 1:00. Of course this woke up Kayla, who wasn't feeling well either and wouldn't go back to sleep. The rest of the night was not great either. We kept Kayla in our bedroom in her portable crib so that if one of them woke up, the other would (hopefully) not be woken up.
The good news is that they are both acting a lot happier now, and have been mostly sleeping through the night. Kayla had a little temperature earlier, but she is napping now. Adella is still really stuffy, but she is feeling a lot better. Getting sick is no fun, but having sick kids is the worst.
1 comment:
Good luck on your finals!
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